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This project uses GoReleaser and GitHub Actions for releases. You can find the release workflow at ./github/workflows/release.yaml. The release workflow only triggers on tags which start with v (e.g. v0.1.0).

To create a new release:

  • Ensure the is up to date (bump to the desired version, etc) on main.
  • Locally, tag main with the desired semver version and push the tag up.
git tag v0.1.0 && git push --tags

The release process should begin. This will build/package artifacts and create a GitHub release with the relevant entries and artifacts attached. If the release process does not find entries for the associated tag, it will pull the entries in the ## [Unreleased] section.

You can create a tag for a semver pre-release version, such as: v0.1.0 followed by a hyphen and characters (v0.1.0-dev1, v0.1.0-alpha, etc.). This will result in creating a GitHub pre-release. This can be useful for testing without releasing a "final" version.